Client Name | | Date of delivery | |
Baby's Name | | Type of delivery | |
Client Address | | 6 week check-up date | |
| 6 week check-up outcome | |
| Breastfeeding status | |
Postcode | Post natal bleeding status | |
Client Email | | Recently fitted Intra Uterine Device (IUD) | |
Client Phone | | |
Please give details of your Pregnancy & Post Natal, include any complications, illnesses, reasons to visit your Doctor or any other Health Practitioner including Massage, Acupuncture, Pilates, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractor etc.
Do you currently or have you ever suffered any of the following conditions? Please tick if YES.
Readiness & Lifestyle QUestions |
1. Please detail any relevant/important information relating to previous Pregnancies and Post Birth periods, such as periods of illness or negative outcomes.
2. Are you taking any medication? Give details:
3. What are your goals or reasons for participating in exercise?
4. Can you briefly detail your previous and current exercise abilities/activities?
5. Is there anything in your medical history you feel could affect your ability to exercise?
6. Are you getting up at night? How much sleep are you getting?
I can confirm that I have had the all clear by my GP to commence suitable postnatal exercise.
I am aware that I must feel well prior to each class and will notify you (the trainer) should I feel unwell at any time during the class.
Whilst I am aware that every effort has been taken to ensure this exercise class is suitable for postnatal women.
I understand that my participation and the safety of both my child/children and myself are my responsibility.
| Newsletter Consent
If you would like to receive my Newsletter, with useful post-natal, nutrition and exercise tips then please click either Yes or No to give your consent.
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